Keep our Internal Furnaces a Burning!!
Warmth is a symbol of life. The body needs to remain at a certain temperature to prevent illness. Keeping ourselves warm is not just the...

How Are You Achieving your Goals this New Year?
It is the New Year and with this comes the customary unknown future and a chance to set out on a fresh start; or for those whom prefer a...

Falling: Vulnerability and the Path to Strength and Courage
I have recently been asked why I continue to use the term "falling" when I teach yoga. When one is asked to "fall" there may be an...

Slap them Veggies with some Sweet Sweet Sauce!!
The remakable thing abour vegetables is they are a perfect flavour vessel. They can easily transport a multitude of flavors directly into...
Come on, Shake your Body Baby, do that Conga. . .
In the words of Gloria Estefan "Come on, Move that body baby, do that Conga; I know you can't control yourself any longer!!" In order to...