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How Are You Achieving your Goals this New Year?

It is the New Year and with this comes the customary unknown future and a chance to set out on a fresh start; or for those whom prefer a different term I would like to extend an invitation to call it what you will:

a Pure Intention, a New Beginning, a Youthful Awakening, an Unknown Endeavor, an Invigorating Commencement, an Original Intention, a Novel Adventure, a Newfangled Production, an Unpreserved Operation, a Sheer Journey, an Absolute Quest, a Never Before Encountered Progression, A New Year's Resolution, A Pristine Goal or any other set of words!

As Shakespeare would undoubtedly say: a Goal by any other name would smell as desire. Setting our intentions or goals is the first step in a year long process of achieving our resolutions. Give yourself the solid opportunity this year by taking a bit of time for yourself and setting up a system that will accomplish your desire. Whether it be taking more care in your health, nurturing a relationship, or progressing in your career. Goals are what give us purpose and drive no matter how humble or grandiose!

In her book The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency[1] Melody Beattie Writes " Goals give us direction. They put a powerful force into play on a universal level." She urges us to make New Year's Goals, find what we want and set ourselves up to achieve those goals. I do notice that she does not rely heavily on the term New Year's Resolution in this first chapter. Resolutions are good for a broad overview of our desires, but just setting a resolution does not help you achieve them. "It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can me handled at a time."[2] Shorter term goals are much more attainable and set us up for positive reinforcement every time we cross a new finish line. Pledging to run a marathon a year from now is daunting if you have no short term goals to set yourself up for the challenge. However, if you wish to run a marathon and dedicate a system of shorter term goals that will bring you closer to success it becomes just a little more accessible and the motivation to keep training towards your long term ambitions remain.

In the recently posted article "Instead of making a New Year's Resolution, Try This"[3] Dr. Paula Watkins explains how setting shorter term goals create a more realistic expectation of ourselves. By setting new goals in correlation with each Full Moon and setting a reflection period with each New Moon we allow a schedule shows progress throughout the year. This builds motivation by allowing yourself an opportunity to reflect and be proud of the goals you have reached with each cycle.

Using the cycles of the moon is not just an easy timing method to use, but also "attunes [you] to the rhythm of nature. It's a reminder that these rhythms are ancient and organic (something beyond the rhythm of 9-5)" says Dr. Watkins. Realizing that individuals are each a different and organic being is a way of giving yourself a break! Not everyone is going to achieve goals at the same rate. Rejoice in being different!

So, this year break away from the old New Year's Resolutions scenario and begin with a fresh outlook that sees us through to the finish line. This year give yourself an attainable system of goals that you are able to reach and feel satisfaction on a regular basis throughout the whole year to remind you just how awesome you are!!

[1] Beattie, Melodie. The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency. Hazelden Foundation, 1990.

[2] Winston Churchill

[3] Watkins, Dr.Paula. "Instead of Making a New Year's Resolution, Try This". Mind Body Green Newsletter.

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