Keep our Internal Furnaces a Burning!!
Warmth is a symbol of life. The body needs to remain at a certain temperature to prevent illness. Keeping ourselves warm is not just the act of wearing many layers to protect us from our environment or the act of heating our living area to the desired temperature. There are more ways in which we can control our body's climate. When we move we burn energy creating heat. The more we move, the more warmth we produce within our bodies. Whether we do yoga, dance, run, skip, hop or jump, we are intentionally stoking our internal fires. As cozy as we may be beneath the duvet it is best to get the life moving in us and build our own natural warmth. Cold hands and feet indicate a lack of circulation and by moving the body we start to spread the heat throughout warming our extremities. What we ingest also affects our body's temperature. Cold foods and drink can shock the digestive system, producing a paralyzing effect on the intestines and affecting the temperature of our body. Warm or hot foods and beverages contribute to maintaining our inner fire. We aim to maintain a neutral body temperature of about 36.17-37.5 degrees Celsius for optimal health. It is important to be aware of the risks of body temperature fluctuations especially when living in an environment that significantly influences our bodies climate. If the body temperature becomes too high for too long associated risks include fainting, vomiting, dehydration, heat stroke, head ache, severe deliria, hallucinations, and in extreme cases brain damage, cardio-respiratory collapse, and death. Fortunately in the winter we rarely have to worry about overheating unless dealing with a nasty flu or cold (in this case take care to seek advice on what heatlhy internatl body temperatures are).
At this time of year we do however have to deal right now with the wintery weather that mother nature is so fond of! If the body is allowed to reach too low of temperatures for too long some risks include shivering, numbness, loss of movement, confusion, sleepiness and more severe risks include serious heart rhythm problems, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, and death. Being aware of the importance of maintaining and how to maintain our bodies healthy internal temperature will aid to keep us happy and healthy all year long.
Each of us are our own little furnace that needs constant tending. Use your intuition, your internal thermostat to help you determine what your body needs. When your hands and feet are cold get up and move around to circulate your natural warmth. This winter keep the fires burning by being mindful to keep moving and to be aware of what food and beverages we consume.