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JE Lamble Concepts
"food, breath, movement, intention: Yoga and the Art of Life"
Savory Squash Millet Quinoa Pilaff

A simple, yet rich and savory dish to fuel you with healthy energy! This dish is great to make and eat throughout the week as a side. Serve hot over a simple rocket salad to make a light lunch before or after a work out!
Step #1: Miso Roasted Squash
3 cups cubed Buttercup squash
3 Tbsp Sesame Oil
2-3 Tbsp Miso (brown rice, barley, or Chickpea Miso
2 Tbsp Tamari
Cube and peel squash and cut into cubes. In a small bowl blend sesame oil, miso, and tamari (add small amounts of water to thin if needed (2-3 Tbsp). Toss Squash in Miso/Tamari mixture and lay on a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake 1t 375°F turning every 15 minutes. Cook until edges begin to caramelize and squash is cooked through.

Step #3: Sauteed Mushrooms
4 cups sliced mushrooms (preferably shitake)
3 cloves garlic minced
4 Tbsp Sesame oil
1 tsp allspice
1/4 cup mirin
Heat oil in pan, add mushrooms and garlic. Sautee until they begin to carmelize. Add all spice. Then deglaze pan with mirin(rise cooking wine.

Step #2: Millet and Quinoa
1 1/2 cups Quinoa
1 1/2 cups millet
1 onion
6 garlic scapes
1 tsp dried oregano
2 bay leaves
1 Tbsp dried basil
3 Tbsp sesame oil
4 or 5 cups water
Rinse quinoa and millet allow to drain and place in a skillet over med-high heat. stir often until millet is dry and begins to turn golden. This will give the dish an added rich flavor.
Dice onion and add to pressure cooker or large pot with sesame oil. Sautee with garlic scapes, oregano, bay leaves, basil until onions are transparent. (add water as needed to prevent sticking.
Add roasted Quinoa-Millet. Add 4 cups of water if using pressure cooker or 5 cups of water if using regular large pot. Bring to a boil then lock pressure cooker and turn down to low and let cook for 35-45 minutes. Once pressure has released from pressure cooker you can then add the cooked squash and sauteed mushrooms!
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